Fraser Gear of Anderson Expeditions – excellent naturalist, guide and explorer. He has spent the last 30 years leading wildlife, photographic and birding expeditions across the length and breadth of Africa, Madagascar, Middle East, Asia and into the neo-tropics. Fraser’s interests and skills are as diverse as his explorations. He is a passionate birder, tracker, botanist and wildlife enthusiast, Fraser has a great love of the planet’s wildest places and the adventure that comes with exploring these regions. He is at his happiest when in the thick of things on foot in the African savanna, on a remote sea kayak expedition with his wife and best friend Sandra, or deep in a steamy jungle seeking out avian wonders. A sensitive and caring tour leader, a wonderful teacher with a passion for nature, a wicked sense of humour, a repertoire of incredible tales of challenge and a sharp intellect combine to make Fraser the exceptional expedition leader he is today.
“I first explored Niassa Reserve in Northern Mozambique almost twenty years ago. It was huge, challenging and remote…. There was no-one else around… I was in love – this was the wildness that I craved, the sheer scale and beauty of the place was so moving. Gigantic mountains, magnificent rivers, enormous, tusked elephant bulls and towering Sterculia trees had made their mark on me forever.”