Chad Discovery
Private Guided Safaris is a small family business founded in 2000 and is owned and operated by Ant and Rawana Kaschula.
All Private Guided Safaris’ trips are personally tailored to specific needs and are guided by Ant who ensures an extraordinarily personalised experience. This expedition is no exception.
For the true nature and wilderness enthusiast, Zakouma National Park, under long-term African Parks co-management, is one of Africa’s ‘must see’ destinations. Nowhere else comes close in being able to offer the sheer abundance and diversity of mammal and birdlife found here and many visitors to this extraordinary destination will come away with their senses overwhelmed.
The park’s bird list alone totals 395 species, many of which are seen in numbers unlike anywhere else in Africa. The most avid of birders will likely notch up dozens of new species – Black-breasted Barbets, Egyptian Plovers, Clapperton’s Spurfowl, Black-headed Gonolek, Stone Partridge, Little Green, Red-throated and Northern Carmine Bee-Eaters and Black Crowned Crane being just some of a long list of ‘specials’.
On the mammal front, even the most well-travelled will encounter new species or sub-species including Buffon’s Kob, Lelwel’s Hartebeest, Tiang, Red-fronted Gazelle, Kordofan Giraffe, Western Roan, Harnessed Bushbuck, Bohor Reedbuck, Central African Savanna Buffalo, Tantalus, Patas Monkey and Pale Fox. Predators are also found in healthy numbers – Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Painted Hunting Dogs, Spotted and Striped Hyena.